8 Mile
Is 8 Mile on Paramount Plus?
4 min read
8 Mile is not available to stream on the Paramount Plus platform, but you can rent or buy the film on other platforms. Most people know 8 Mile as the film that is loosely based on Eminem’s life, and it even stars the rapper in his first-ever lead role. However, the film has some surprising…
8 Mile: Why is it a good movie?
4 min read
8 Mile is a cult-classic film that received favourable reviews earning a 7.1 out of 10 score on IMDb when it was released. In recent years we have seen how films that previously received not-so favourable reviews become cult-classic films which have won audiences. Films like Glitter and the Halle Berry-fronted Cat Woman have since…
8 Mile: Why is Future an “Uncle Tom”?
4 min read
In 8 Mile Future was referred to as an Uncle Tom, which is a derogatory term meant to criticise him for his friendship with white protagonist, B-Rabbit. Arguably one of the best cult-classic films of the 2000s which told a story inspired by the life of acclaimed musician, Eminem, is 2002’s 8 Mile. Featuring Marshall…
8 Mile: Why did they burn the house?
4 min read
In 8 Mile, Jimmy and his crew burn down an abandoned house where the rape and murder of a little girl is believed to have taken place. 8 Mile is one of the most iconic cult-classic films from the 2000s, which is loosely based on the life and times of one of the world’s greatest…
8 Mile: Why is Eminem called Jimmy?
4 min read
In 8 Mile, Eminem was addressed as Jimmy Smith, however, though the film was inspired by his life, it was not a factual biopic. Throughout history, a number of films have been made that feature musicians which have since become cult-classic films in the world. While most of these films are understood to be fictional…