Game of Thrones
One of the most shocking and saddest moments in the show was when Jon Snow was forced to kill Daenerys Targaryen, to prevent her from slaughtering the innocent. After eight years, Game of Thrones came to an end, leaving a lot of fans unhappy about the show’s ending. The season eight finale featured Daenerys Targaryen,…
Game of Thrones: Does Arya Stark die?
4 min read
Arya did not die in the Game of Thrones series finale episode, she actually set out on a new adventure to explore Westeros even further. Arya Stark was one of the most beloved characters on Game of Thrones because of her bold, defiant personality. Fortunately, even though Arya has a few close calls with death…
Who rides the dragons in House of the Dragon?
6 min read
Most of the dragons in House of the Dragon, including Vhagar, Balerion, Vermithor, Dreamfyre, and Meleys are very old, and they have had multiple riders. House of the Dragon is bringing in extremely high viewership numbers, even though the show has only finished its first season and had so much to live up to. One…
How Game of Thrones should have ended
5 min read
Game of Thrones provided one of the most disappointing conclusions to a series in recent history; below we share some of the alternative endings shared by fans. Game of Thrones is the fantasy drama series that first premiered on HBO Max in 2011. By its third season, the series was not only the most watched…
Will there be a season 9 of Game of Thrones?
4 min read
Game of Thrones concluded after eight seasons, with no plans to continue the epic drama series, however, there will be spinoff shows which are currently in pre-production. Games of Thrones was the biggest television series to come out of the 2010s. Having premiered in 2011, by the time the show concluded with season eight in…