
Behind Reality TV

Vampire Diaries: Who kills Aurora in The Originals?

the originals aurora

Aurora does not get killed by Klaus in The Originals, which pays off in the latest season of Legacies, as Aurora is set up for a villainous arc.

Fans of The Vampire Diaries universe were confused by Klaus’s decision to not kill The Originals’ title antagonist Aurora, for her hand in the multiple transgressions against his family.

However, the payoff of the anticlimactic conclusion of Aurora’s fate in The Originals would pay off in season four of Legacies.

What is Legacies?

Legacies is the third instalment in The Vampire Diaries universe. First was the release of the original series, The Vampire Diaries in 2009, which was followed by the release of The Originals in 2013.

Legacies was the last to premiere in 2018 and was developed by Julie Plec and the premise of the series being, “Hope Mikaelson, a tribrid daughter of a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, makes her way in the world.”

Vampire Diaries: Who kills Aurora in The Originals?

In The Originals, Aurora was not killed, which surprised fans as the series main protagonist, Klaus, was not known for his benevolence.

Nonetheless, Klaus spared her life, putting her under a “Sleeping Beauty” spell by Freya, only for the decision to pay off during season four of Legacies.

Klaus reportedly did not kill Aurora because the women he loved were always his Achilles heel, like The Vampire Diaries’ Caroline.

Why did Aurora survive in The Originals?

Seemingly, Aurora somewhat surviving in The Originals was a story device, as she had a villainous arc in season four of Legacies.

During season four, episode eight titled You Will Remember Me, Aurora is revealed to be the third and final member of the Triad.

She remains the only surviving member after Hope killed the rest in previous seasons.

Who kills Aurora in Legacies?

Upon finding out that Aurora is the last member of the Triad, Hope attempts to kill her, which results in a showdown between the two.

A fight that resulted in Hope regaining her tribrid body with the help of Lizzie, and Aurora returning to her vampiric body before narrowly escaping with her life.

When is Legacies set to return?

In December 2021, Legacies aired episode nine of season four. The show has since been on extended break and is set to return on Thursday, 24 February 2022.

The tenth episode of season four is titled Story of My Life and the teaser is already available to view here.

Final thoughts

Legacies marks the third and final series so far from The Vampire Diaries universe, paying off some of the open-ended storylines of the previous series.

The most recent of which being why Aurora survived the wrath of Klaus in The Originals, when he allowed for her to live.