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Mayans M.C: Why did EZ shoot Canche?

Mayans M.C: Why did EZ shoot Canche?

EZ killed Canche as a device plot, as his story arc shows him turning more ruthless and cutthroat ahead of the possibility of season five.

Mayans M.C. concluded its fourth season in June 2022, which saw protagonist, EZ, take a surprisingly dark tone in his character.

In episode eight, EZ killed Canche as a plot device by the writers and producers to change the story arc of his character.

In what episode does EZ kill Canche?

Season Episode Description
4 8 – “The Righteous Wrath of an Honourable Man The Mayans bring death to SOA’s doorstep

Mayans M.C: Why did EZ shoot Canche?

In season four of Mayans M.C., Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, played by JD Pardo, transformed into a fully-fledged cutthroat killer.

The first of the surprising ruthless killings was in episode seven, titled “Dialogue with the Mirror,” after he killed his ex-girlfriend, Gaby.

However, this murder was intended to protect his brother who would otherwise have faced the consequences of killing a security guard during their attack on UC Davis.

His killing of the leader of the Yuma Mayans leader, Canche, was less motivated in the story.

EZ killed Canche after he walked in on him after he had just killed a man in the Sons of Anarchy’s (SOA) chapel. EZ shot Canche in the head and stated, “I caught you slippin.”

This was a reference to their earlier dialogue when Canche threatened to kill EZ if he caught him making a mistake.

Overall, Canche’s death at the hands of EZ was a plot device by the writers and producers of the series to mark a change in EZ’s story arc.

Mayans M.C.’s showrunner, Elgin James on EZ’s change

Huckleberry Finn is in some ways, about Jesus’s 40 days in the desert, and that’s really EZ’s journey this season. It’s his 40 days in the desert, and he makes all the wrong choices.

He makes the opposite choices that Jesus did,” said Elgin James in CBR.

Will Mayans M.C return for a fifth season?

Currently there has been no official word on whether Mayans M.C has been renewed for a fifth season, which is not surprising, since season four only concluded in June 2022.

What would Mayans M.C season 5’s plot be?

Elgin James teased a possible plot for season five when he stated, “We haven’t seen someone that operates on love for his brothers.

Marcus operated this machine, but then look at how people would just drop like flies and Sons of Anarchy, you know, people would just drop.”